WaSH For Development

Reaching out of the extreme poor of the remote rural areas of Bangladesh

Project was completed in two phases (I, II)

Aim of the Project

There are also significant protection issues associated with community members. entering school grounds to collect water. Thus, the proposed program provides an integrated school and community approach. This combined approach is very important especially since children can still be exposed to unsafe water and sanitation while outside of school.

Activities of the Project

Increase behavior change through the DBC Approach framework, Translate knowledge into action through folk media, Select the water technologies through a feasibility analysis, Installation of Deep Tube Wells for Haor area, Provide appropriate water infrastructure at school & Community level. Formation , Orientation and capacity building training. Basic training of project staff, Skill development training of CBO/WaSh committee, technical training of local masons and caretakers, Strenghtening training through mobilization. Health and Hygine Education session on Behavior change at community level. New latrine construction at school level.