Our Executive Body

Mahbuba Haque

Humayun Kabir Selim
Vice Chairman

Tarik Sayed Harun

Dulana Khatun
General Secretary

Dr. Md. Ahsan Ali

Oli Mahmud


Mohammad Hasan Ali
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
PBK is governed by two committees – the General Council (GC) and the Executive Committee (EC). The GC is composed of 21 members and EC comprise 7 members. EC meeting is held in every quarter of a year and General Council (GC) is held once a year that approves budget, annual plan, audit report and appointment of auditors among others.
PBK has laid down all necessary institutional infrastructures to make it a dynamic, effective and very much a pro-poor organization. These include service rules, gender policy, administrative and procurement rules, credit manual, financial and accounting manual, business plan and internal audit manual.
However, there is a necessity of updating them in line with the latest needs and requirements. The organization has introduced automation through computer and cell phone software, including all its microfinance branches and HQs.