- Type: Poultry Farm
- Location: Shibpur, Narsingdi
Salma Begum is a housewife from a lower middle-class family. She lives in Dutter Gaon village of Shibpur Upazilla of Narsingdi. They are a family of five – the duo, two sons and daughter. Her husband is a farmer by profession. Beside farming he was also engaged in fish farming in a small pond. The husband decided to go abroad to support his family financially. However, he was not successful and therefore had to make a quick comeback. This took a toll on them financially. Their living conditions were miserable and it was very difficult to keep up with their children’s education expenses. Therefore, Salma wanted to contribute to her family but could not understand how. She had the idea for raising calves but did not have the money to do so.
One day Salma met the manager of Pally Bikash, Shibpur branch. The manager briefed her about the process and rules and regulations. She then applied for a loan of 100,000 BDT for raising calves in March 2017. After paying off this loan, she took a second round of loan for 150,000 BDT for a poultry farm. Her living conditions changed with the help of these loan amounts. However due to COVID the poultry farm was shut down and thus suffered financial losses.
The manager suggested Salma apply for the MDF- AF loan and comply with waste management and air pollution. She then applied and received 200,000 BDT which she invested in her layer chicken farm buying 1000 chickens.
At present she has one cow, three hundred chickens and 1500 chickens in the chicken layer farm and her husband has two fish ponds. From these multiple courses of income, the duo makes 70,000 BDT per month. Besides that, their son is in honors first year and daughter enrolled in class ten. The family is now prosperous.
Salma aspires her family to be respectable in the society and hopes to expand farming in the fish ponds and expand her chicken farm. The duo hopes that the son becomes self-reliant and they can find a good match and marry off their daughter in the future. Salma Begum says that she is ever grateful as Pally Bikash Kendra gave a series of loans and helped them stabilize their income.