Our Executive Body

mahbuba haque

Mahbuba Haque


Selim Bhai-00

Humayun Kabir Selim

Vice Chairman

Tarik Sayed Harun

Tarik Sayed Harun


Dolena Khatun

Dulana Khatun

General Secretary

Dr. Ahsan Ali

Dr. Md. Ahsan Ali


Oli Mahmud

Oli Mahmud





Mohammad Hasan Ali

Mohammad Hasan Ali

Founder & Chief Executive Officer


PBK is governed by two committees – the General Council (GC) and the Executive Committee (EC). The GC is composed of 21 members and EC comprise 7 members. EC meeting is held in every quarter of a year and General Council (GC) is held once a year that approves budget, annual plan, audit report and appointment of auditors among others.

PBK has laid down all necessary institutional infrastructures to make it a dynamic, effective and very much a pro-poor organization. These include service rules, gender policy, administrative and procurement rules, credit manual, financial and accounting manual, business plan and internal audit manual.

However, there is a necessity of updating them in line with the latest needs and requirements. The organization has introduced automation through computer and cell phone software, including all its microfinance branches and HQs.